So guys today am going to talking about M82B gun in Free Fire. This is one of the best sniper gun in game. You can also use this gun in rank match and tournaments. This gun has one advantage that is this gun broke gloo wall very easily in 3 or 4 bullets. You can kill enemy across the gloo wall, this is it's Gun's main advantage. Damage and accuracy of this gun is very good. Every sniper lover use this gun in rank match. Rate of fire is also good of this gun. When you put two gloo wall, you can't fire across the gloo wall.
M82B gun attachments
1. Muzzle
2. Silencer
M82B gun specificatios
Rate of fire-27
Reload speed-41
Movement speed-55
Armor penetration-67
So guys this is full information about this gun. Tell me if you have any doubts
Here some images of this gun