5 best AR gun for tournaments, you can use to win match. Free Fire guns

 So here is 5 best AR long range gun for tournaments, with the help of these guns, you can win tournaments, because Free Fire's official tournaments this guns help us to give more damage to enemy. 


This gun is dangerous in mid range, but long range it's accuracy not good. This gun is new weapon in Free Fire, so that this gun has no skin. But this is not available in ranked mode. This is only available in classic or clash squad. This gun gave 45+ damage in one shot. 

PERAFAL gun attachments

1. Silacer

2. Muzzle

3. Magzine

4. Foregrip

5. Stock

PERAFAL gun specificatios


Rate of fire-48


Reload speed-41



Movement speed-63

4. M14

 This gun become dangerous with it's rage core. With rage core  it's rate of fire is increase. Mnay player use This gun because it's rage core. In reality it is a tournament gun. Player play and win tournament with the help of this gun. You can use this in long and mid range.  Drag of this gun with rage core is very good. You can use 2x and 4x scope in this gun. With the help silencer this gun become very dangerous. But last update it's rate of fire is slightly dicreased, but still it is so good

M14 gun attachments

1. Silencer

2. Foregrip

3. Magazin

4. Muzzle

M14 gun specificatios


Rate of fire 43


Reload speed-41



Movement speed-62

3. SKS

This gun give very good damage in long range and mid range. Basically this is a tournament gun. It's performance in tournament is so good, I can't explain. Many player won tournament with this gun. After update its

damage increased by game. In game, SKS has many skins but double damage is the best skin in Free Fire. This skin give 100+ damage in one shot. This is impressive. This gun have 4x scope inbuild in gun

SKS gun attachments
1. Silencer
2. Foregrip
3. Magazin
4. Muzzle
5. Stock

SKS Gun specifications

Rate of fire-35
Reload speed-41
Movement speed-62
Armor penetration-46


Sorry guys I have no explanation about this gun but this gun very good. This gun is like DRAGUNOV. 


This gun has one speciality, it's damage in long range. Basically this is tournament gun. Player use this gun in tournament. Because it give very good damage in long and mid range.  This gun become dangerous with silencer. In classic and rank match this is dangerous gun. This gun come with 4x scope, you can't change its scope. This gun has few skins in game. This has no legendary skin, but this gun very good without skin. This gun has one more ability, that is its armor penetration. It's gun's damage increase on vest when fire continuously. 

DRAGUNOV gun attachments

1. Silacer

2. Foregrip

3. Magazin

4. Muzzle.

5. Stock

DRAGUNOV gun specifications


Rate of fire-35


Reload speed-41



Movement speed-62

Armor penetration-67

So guys this is top 5 AR guns, hope you like

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