So CHRONO and SKYLER are two good characters in free fire. You know that how to use chorno and skyler's skill. Skyler is good character compare with chorno but chorno is very overpower. You can buy skyler and chonro characters in store and you can gift Skyler character in gift store but you can't gift chronic character.
If you are free fire lover then you know about chrono Chara that is inspired by RONALDO. This is one of legendary character in game
When you use the skill if this character a shield is creating around you and this while take 600 damage and your movement speed is increased by 30%.
Skyler is come in game recently. This character is inspired by a singer. You can see when people know about this character this character is become popular.
Skill of this character is this character release a sonic wave and this wave broke 5 gloo wall and when you use gloo wall you got 9 hp per gloo wall.